Spinat Blätter

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New harvest – freshness all year round

Making the best raw goods and regional cultivation available all year round is what we stand for. Therefore, we also begin with the “new” harvest to offer our customers the highest quality all year round.

Did you know…
that deep freezing is the most gentle way to preserve produce. Due to the fast processing and the so-called shock freezing, frozen vegetables often contain much more vitamins and nutrients than “fresh” vegetables that have been stored for several days in the fresh food department of the supermarket or the kitchen at home. (Source: Deutsches Tiefkühlinstitut – German Frozen Food Institute)


Good by nature
is via our parent company, the Producer wholesale market Langförden in Oldenburg (registered cooperative).

North German vegetables and berries of fresh quality are the competence of our parent company ELO – and have been for over 50 years.
The successful concept is based on the professional, controlled cultivation of vegetables and fruit, innovative production techniques and reliable as well as flexible logistics, coupled with the demand-oriented product policy of a responsible food producer. Customer satisfaction is our top priority and thus ensures the healthy and organic growth of the cooperative.


Pretty cool …
ELO-Frost Standort
…since 1974

The company ELO-FROST is behind our exceptional quality. We have been processing and selling frozen fruit and vegetables since 1974, at that time under the umbrella of our parent company, the Langförden-Oldenburg ELO producer wholesale market. Our success as a subsidiary of ELO-FROST made it possible to build new production buildings according to the most modern requirements in the year 2000.
To this day, our many years of experience and our high demands on our products guarantee the extraordinary ELO-FROST quality.

Strictly controlled cultivation

Our quality management already starts with the cultivation of the raw materials. Our member companies grow their products under the umbrella of the organisation “Integrierter Gemüseanbau Niedersachsen” IGN. The farms are neutrally controlled by the IGN and are additionally accompanied by our employees. The fruit and vegetables from other farmers who supply us are also strictly controlled. The long-standing and personal contacts with the producers ensure a fast and uncomplicated communication. Short distances from harvest to production are absolutely essential because we only process really fresh raw materials.

High-performance production

Thanks to our modern production facilities with two high-performance production lines, we can offer our customers a wide range of frozen fruit and vegetable products. We have retained the flexibility to process both small and large quantities. We are also a reliable partner for contract freezing and co-packing.


We buy our fruit and vegetables primarily from the surrounding area: 85 percent of our raw materials travel less than 20 kilometers to us. But that alone is not enough for us to produce first-class frozen products. The farmers who supply us work according to strict, tested quality guidelines. Thanks to their many years of experience and enthusiasm for their products, they are able to meet the high demands placed on our raw materials. We have been relying on this for years. Long-term supply relationships are important to us because we need reliability, trust and flexibility. This is the only way cultivation, harvesting and further processing can go hand in hand.


Martin Freese, Visbek
Gottfried Gerken, Langförden
Alfons Klaus, Höltinghausen
Frank Kock, Visbek
Arno Ostmann, Visbek
Christoph Sieverding, Vestrup
Christoph Wehenpohl, Langförden
Peter Daniels, Hamminkeln-Dingden
Ralf Wehmeier, Lemgo
Konrad Wohlers, Langförden
Theo Nieske, Langförden


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions


Mittelwand 13

49377 Vechta-Langförden